Our Ethos 

We believe that children and young people respond better to a calm environment and respond to staff that are genuine and care about their welfare. We will provide a skilled service from committed staff in a safe, appropriately structured and caring environment. Staff will be carefully selected and recruited to address gender, age and ethnic balance in order to reflect diversity and positive role models.

With a strong staff value base, positive role models and strong work ethics we will ensure a clear care approach that will help to bring the staff team together in terms of encouraging consistency in relation to behaviour and responses. Providing coherent and reassuring experiences for the children and young people and creating opportunities for positive experiences.

We believe that looked after children and young people have the same rights, privileges and opportunities as other children and young people. They have the right to receive the same level of support that will enable them to reach their full potential and achieve their goals.

Making Positive Experiences

The views of all children and young people within the home will be sought and they will be a part of the decision making process in relation to the running of the home. They also receive clear guidance on their rights, especially about their experience of being ‘looked after’ advising them on their right to comment or complain, identifying a key worker that will ensure that their concerns are heard and addressed.

Children and young people are encouraged and supported to develop healthy and positive relationships with people who care for them, other children and young people who they live with as well as others whom they may come into contact with within the local community. We actively promote contact with significant other family members (subject to their care plan). This is important for the young person in order to develop their life story.

We work very closely with family members and other professionals involved with the child/young person in the decision-making process relating to the welfare of the child.

We believe in inclusion. It is important to promote the integration of looked after children and young people into the local community and challenge the isolation and exclusion often associated with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties.

Every child is entitled to safe, warm, consistent and nurturing care. We are committed to getting the best outcomes for the children we care for and will work hard with them and others to achieve this.